Guilt by Association
Israel Connelly Jeff Gates’ Guilt by AssociationEdmund Connelly
March 18, 2009
Not many people think about Jews as much as I do. Decades of research have exposed me to a number of classic books on this topic, beginning with John Murray Cuddihy’s rollicking Ordeal of Civility. Next comes Paul Johnson’s A History of the Jews, or Albert Lindemann’s Esau’s Tears. Or course readers of this site and The Occidental Quarterly well know about Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy on Jews, which examines Jews through the lens of a group evolutionary strategy.
Then two years ago I discovered the work of retired scholar James Petras. His unvarnished prose is just the tonic for the Orwellian times in which we live. I even made a minor contribution to Petras scholarship in a review I wrote of two of his books, The Power of Israel in the United States and Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire: Bankers, Zionists and Militants. (See also Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of U.S. Power.)
Now I believe I’ve run across a new book that might join the ranks of the above. Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War is written by Jeff Gates, a former counsel to the U.S. Senate. His first task is to explain how America lost control of its foreign policy to pro-Israeli elites and extremists. His brush, however, paints far more broadly, as this mixture of press releases shows:
In an account covering presidencies from Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush, the author chronicles the influence wielded by pro-Israeli agents operating inside administrations over the past century regardless of party.
Harry Truman, a political product of organized crime from the 1920s, recognized Israel in 1948 over the strenuous objections of Secretary of State George Marshall and the entire U.S. foreign policy and intelligence establishment.
Guilt by Association makes treason transparent. The corruption that plagues American politics is traced to an alliance with elites and extremists loyal to the Land of Israel. Unable to rid politics of campaign finance corruption, the U.S. finds its security imperiled by those skilled at deceiving America into waging wars for the Zionist state.
Tracing this corruption to criminal syndicates from the 1920s, Guilt by Association reveals how those skilled at displacing facts with beliefs wield clout from the shadows. Both deception and self-deceit play critical roles in enabling this criminality to expand its reach on a global scale. Guilt by Association documents how by operating in the realms of politics, media, academia, think tanks and popular culture corruption came to dominate politics, as shown by presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama. Chronicling systemic corruption that predates these candidates by decades, the book explains how organized crime expanded worldwide while the U.S. discredited itself in the eyes of a global public astounded that Americans would tolerate such corruption to their own detriment. Featuring sophisticated analysis presented in layman’s language, Guilt by Association will transform political debate in the U.S. and beyond.
This chronicle of duplicity and trans-generational manipulation describes how dysfunctional personalities are identified and then positioned for elective office. Chronicling systemic corruption that predates the current presidential candidates by decades, Guilt by Association describes how organized crime expanded worldwide in plain view yet with legal impunity.
Praise for the book has been strong. For instance, Paul Findley, longtime former Congressman and one of the first casualties of the Zionist attack on lukewarm supporters of Israel, writes that the book is “Magnificent, timely, and persuasive.” Ambassador Andrew Killgore calls it "Brilliantly provocative,” while fellow Ambassador Ed Peck, Deputy Director, Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism, dubs it “explosively revelatory, powerful, compelling and certain to be highly contentious."
Gates does appear to be audacious in his goals. In Guilt, he appears to be offering us a tool for understanding the massive financial scandals and upsets much of the Western world is now enduring and he ties it to America’s going to war in the Middle East. “America’s post-war leadership embraced an alliance with an elitist and fundamentalist subculture within Judaism’s broader faith tradition.”
Nicely put about “Judaism’s broader faith tradition,” but what he has to say about that subculture is less charitable: “The Zionism chronicled in this account describes a transnational organized crime agenda featuring financial and political domination by elites and extremists.” For instance, America, Gates argues, is in Iraq now because “the war in Iraq is the product of a trans-generational syndicate skilled at displacing facts with (false) beliefs. Those masterful at manipulating thoughts and beliefs are also responsible for enabling organized crime to expand to a global scale.”
At first blush, this mental manipulation seems to be the trick whereby this subculture controls the majority. The “displacement of facts with beliefs” is responsible, in Gates’ view, for the American electorate and its representatives swallowing the lies about Saddam Hussein’s mythical weapons of mass destruction. What is the limit to our gullibility? Well, whatever “people can be deceived to believe.” Such as the “widely shared opinion that Israel is a democracy and an ally. All false and all induced beliefs.”
As a scholar and teacher of American film, an obvious example of this kind of manipulation comes readily to mind. In chapter one, Gates outlines his views on how today’s unconventional warfare “relies on game theory and the application of mathematical models to anticipate the response to staged provocations. Reactions become ‘perfectly predictable’ in the sense that they are foreseeable within an acceptable range of probabilities.” America’s (mistaken) response to 9/11 illustrates this. Years prior to those attacks, people’s minds had been exposed to scenarios of Arab enemies and terrorists, a signal example being the broad attention given to Harvard historian Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis.
We also had the myriad neocon think tank studies suggesting that a “new Pearl Harbor” might serve as catalyst for a power reconfiguration in the Middle East. Gates steps back to put these disparate items into a frame he calls “a period of preparing the minds.” Here, of course, I thought of the pre-9/11 pop culture portrayals of events exceedingly similar to what transpired on September 11th. I was not alone. David Ray Griffin, for one, retired theologian and author of The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé, drew our attention to a new show spun off from the popular series “The X-Files.” “In March 2001, the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen, which reportedly had 13 million viewers, was based on a rogue group within the US government crashing a remote-controlled 747 into the World Trade Center.” Don't believe it? Watch the scene.
An example that works even better for me is the big-budget film The Siege (1998). This action-packed thriller stars Denzel Washington as an FBI agent tracking Arab terrorists in New York. If Gates is right about this plot to “prepare the minds” of Americans for future events, then The Siege fits the mold. For instance, Arab terrorists blow up themselves and a busload of innocent passengers in broad daylight (think suicide bombers in Israel). Then comes an attack on a theater. Finally, we have a scene that is more than suggestive of the airliner hits on the Twin Towers. In The Siege, Arabs drive a van loaded with explosives into the FBI Counterterrorism Division at One Federal Plaza, raining debris down on New York streets.
Again, Gates is painting with a wide brush here. For example, the longest chapter deals with the deliberate Israel attack in 1967 on the American spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty. He also discusses John McCain’s connection to a Zionist cabal. Chapter 7 deals with “the new anti-Semitism,” followed by thoughts on Obama as President. Gates is not confident that Obama will be his own man and break out of the Zionist grip that held his predecessors.
As Gates documents, Obama is but the product of the Jewish machine in Chicago, having been nurtured by Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod. Further, his top three contributors were also Jews from the “Chicago Outfit”: Penny Pritzker, the Crown family (ne Krinsky) and George Soros. (Sticking with his crime lineage thesis, Gates claims that the Pritzker family dates from the Jewish syndicate of the 1920.)
Emanuel and Axelrod bear watching. Both emerged as young Democratic party activists in Chicago in 1984, just two years after AIPAC had taken down 22-year incumbent Congressman Paul Findley for his perceived lack of Zionist zeal. His replacement was Dick Durbin, “now #2 in the Senate leadership who shares a house in Washington with Chuck Schumer, now #3. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, from mobbed-up Nevada, is Mormon.” Though Gates doesn’t mention it here, Reid is married to a woman born to Jewish parents, which dovetails with accounts others have provided about such marital ties. For instance, in The Jewish Century Berkeley professor Yuri Slezkine notes the high proportion of intermarriage higher up the chain of command in the Bolshevik hierarchy. Bukharin and Molotov, to name two, were married to Jewish women.
Perhaps the most explosive claims made by Gates concern the nexus of Jewish involvement in both the pillage of Russian wealth in the 1990s and the ongoing economic meltdown in the West now. On his blog he asks “Is a multi-trillion dollar fraud being perpetrated on America by Lawrence Summers and the same transnational network that defrauded Russia of $1 trillion?”
Tracing the actions of Larry Summers over his time in the Clinton Administration and as President of Harvard, Gates argues that Summers used his status to legitimate the massive loan-for-shares fraud that created the oligarchs. His analysis resonates with what James Petras has also argued.
Petras claims that former President Clinton and his economic advisers such as Andrei Shleifer and Jeffrey Sachs backed the regimes that allowed the plunder of Russian wealth. Because of these advisers’ positions at Harvard, that institution paid $26.5 million to settle a suit stemming from various improprieties associated with them. As one observer illustrates, however, it is the Jewish aspect of the entire scandal that stands out. The principals of this scandal were Jews, and they were allegedly protected by fellow Jew Summers.
The upshot of the scam was that the "reform" of the Russian economy "turned out to be one of the great larceny sprees in all history, and the Harvard boys weren't all merely naive theoreticians." The 45-year-old Shleifer, though Russian, nonetheless vacationed each year with Summers, which may explain why Shleifer has remained on the Harvard faculty.
This very much speaks to the effort Gates makes to bring the broader picture into focus. Thus, when we observe the common intersection of Jewish identity, networking and media power, for example, we can answer the question: "How did the defendants in the Russia project—Harvard, Shleifer, Hay and, though he was not charged with wrong-doing in the matter, Summers—convince the [New York] Times, the [Washington] Post and the Financial Times that the collapse of [Harvard's] Russia Project was not a worthy story?" One answer is Jewish power.
Of course the Jewish identity of the Russian oligarchs has not always been readily highlighted, which may be deliberate. For example, when Yale law professor Amy Chua, author of the book World on Fire, mentioned this identity to a Jewish colleague who himself had participated in the “debacle” of Russian privatization , the professor dismissed her impatiently. Her Jewish husband, however, was more nonplussed—when Chua correctly noted that six out of the seven of Russia’s wealthiest oligarchs were Jews, her Jewish husband calmly quipped, “Just six? So who’s the seventh guy?”
In the end, as Petras claims, “the unprecedented pillage” in Russia brought on by Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs's and others’ “shock therapy” removed at least a trillion dollars from that long-suffering nation. Yet this was largely absent from any American discussions. Like Gates, Petras understands the importance of the fact that the ethnic connections going to the top of American society are important because of the combined power of Zionism, media and financial control. If it’s not good for the Jews, don’t mention it.
While most Americans have likely long since lost interest in the Russian story, their minds have become wonderfully focused by the stunning economic meltdown in America taking place before their very eyes. And as in Russia, so many of the central players, “good” (Obama’s new economic team) and bad (accused mega swindlers such as Madoff, Friedman and Karatz) are Jews.
In a TOO column last year, Kevin MacDonald pointed out two consequences of Jewish involvement in these financial scandals: “One is that crime does pay. Jews like the Sandlers and the Arnalls whose actions contributed to the current crisis made huge fortunes. Their money is now being used to further specifically Jewish political agendas.” Second, the Sandlers and the Arnalls “are a microcosm of Jewish political activism. The beneficiaries of their largess define the boundaries of acceptable politics in the US — from the far left to the neoconservative, pro-Israel, pro-immigration right.”
Given the reluctance of the (heavily Jewish) news media to make sense of all this, it is ironic that we can find confirmation in a skit from (heavily Jewish) Saturday Night Live. The skit makes fun of the prominent role Jews played in the financial meltdown, spoofing Herbert and Marion Sandler, Congressman Barney Frank, and even George Soros. Here's the unadulterated original version.
It would seem that the SNL skit corroborates Gates’ own conclusions about Jewish fraud. Just as Russian state shares ended up in the hands of the oligarchs, in America they are headed for large firms that are predominantly Jewish. “As in Russia, both the advisers and the new owners qualify for Israeli citizenship. Summers had a hand in both bailouts. As President-elect Obama scrambles to stabilize the financial system, will his pledge of clarity and transparency include an account of how—and by whom—he was advised to capitalize a transnational Ashkenazi oligarchy?”
To be sure, Gates’ claims are vast and there is a bit of Da Vinci Code breathlessness to them. But consider this a preliminary consideration of important topics that need to be understood. If Gates is right to link them through an overarching network of Ashkenazi Jews, then we might begin to unravel many of the mysteries Gates takes on. After all, many of us have seen the “disproportionate power wielded by those with outsized influence in media, pop culture, politics, academia and think tanks,” and we can also verify the heavy Jewish presence in all of them.
These are matters of war and peace, prosperity and poverty. Many of the same people responsible for the economic meltdown are either still there, or worse, being brought into the Obama team. And last week’s battle over the appointment of Chas Freeman is over, pointing to increased risks that moves for more war in the Middle East will proceed unchecked. (See also here and here.)
Since many of you no longer rely on traditional venues for gathering accurate information about our world, it is worth the effort to get and read Gates’ book Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. Then judge for yourself.