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Do Jewish sensitivities matter at this time?

Karin Friedemann with Joachim Martillo

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
karinfriedemann. blogspot. com - Please leave comments!

My previous article talked about guarding yourself against destructive Jewish behavior patterns. These behaviors are learned and not genetic. Israel Advocacy organizations like the David Project even give workshops in linguistic aggressive-defense tactics for whenever someone uses the word "Jew" or criticizes Israel . Always manipulate the conversation so that the focus is turned on Israel 's accusor. It's a psychological intimidation tactic aimed at getting the person to apologize for hurting Jewish sensitivities, or for conflating Jews and Zionists, or for thinking all Zionists are bad. Jews do not seem to hold themselves accountable to the same moral standard as they hold others. All Gentiles have to apologize for the Holocaust, yet all Jews don't have to apologize for Israel . [ecumenical deal: Jews accept Christian apology as long as Christians don't criticize Israel ].

The current Jewish argument seems to be:

  • You are anti-Semitic for linking Zionism and Jewishness.
  • You are anti-Semitic for not acknowledging the special connection of Isr ael to Jewishness.
  • You can't win!
  • You are bad.
  • Therefore we will talk about what you did , not what Jews did.

The socially suicidal person who is bravely trying to do the right thing, to struggle against total evil, is often made to feel guilty and ashamed and very alone, when actually the Jew is the one that should be apologizing for the people he/she chooses to identify with, and I stress chooses, because "Jew" is a chosen identity. Jews are those who call themselves Jews. Nobody knows if you are a Jew or not unless you mention it. Jews who do not wish to participate in Jewish hegemony should be the ones in the front lines, demanding the asset seizure, imprisonment and public execution of the Zionist leadership who did this to the Palestinian people, not to mention the US economy.

Peace Jews are for the most part coordinated by the Israeli government via the various liberal Jewish organizations in the US . They serve to deflect blame from Jews as a group by creating a false cover for the perpetrators of racist genocide. Instead of confronting the supporters of mass murder in their own community, they act as representatives of the Jewish community, creating a false impression of Jewish non-support for Israel . In truth, even the peace Jews tend to unite with the far right when the question is Jewish Israel's American tax funded existence. An example of this was when Tikkun united aggressively with the Neocon establishment to snuff out a City Council vote on takin g public moneys out of Israeli investments in Somerville, Ma. This "peace" Zionist organization deliberately misled the public on the issues involved in a local ballot question regarding the Palestinian Right of Return.

Let's get this straight. Israel 's existence depends on committing genocide with your tax money. All the aggression that Israel commits is done in defense of Israel 's existence.

Therefore, duh, Israel should not exist. Israel cannot exist as a Jewish state AND give people back their homes and give them all a vote, which is their right under international law.

Any Jew whose family lost their home in Germany or Poland is allowed by law to claim back the property. It's elementary property rights law. Human rights include property rights. Jews have to give back what they stole. Israel 's existence was dependent on the UN Resolution 181. Israel 's existence depends on the condition that the Jews have to let the Palestinians stay in their homes and give them equal citizenship rights. This has never happened. Within hours of signing that agreement Israel was ethnically cleansing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948.

Many people in Gaza have property in Sredot. It used to be their land, until they were evicted at gunpoint by Jewish murdering thugs. The racist settlers living on other people's stolen property in Sredot have absolutely no right to expect to live in security or peace. Americans who hear Jews and non-Jews say such genocidal racist and sick statements like Israel has the right to defend itself should be ashamed. Instead, they want you to apologize for calling Jews "Jews ."

No, I really mean Jews. My fight is with the Jewish power establishment and not the Israelis per se.

Do any of the Jewish organizations support the right of Hamas to exist?

When people accept Israel's "right" to exist, or more accurately, the Jewish "right" to mass murder and plunder non-Jews including Americans, they are accepting a criminal ideology. Israel 's existence does not exist in a vacuume. It is a result of American Jewish organizations, and to a large extent, European. All Americans are indoctrinated by American Jewish organizations via the media and Hollywood and even the Pentagon is informed of all its plans by the Jewish organizations.

Also alarming, nearly all American Jews go through an indoctrination process within the Jewish community that is even more extreme. It includes training in psychological manipulation tactics aimed at shifting the blame away from Jews any time someone mentions the obvious, for example, "Jews are killing Palestinans. " The trick is always to make the person apologize for believing that Jews would kill Palestinians. All bystanders would be made to revile the person stating the obvious as a flaming racist. It's an interesting game. But it doesn't work forever.

The good news is, there is nothing behind the Jewish facade, the linguistic traps of mixed messages. That is, the banal statements of be lieving in peace plus the absolute refusal to do what it takes to be a good person - give the Pales tinians their lands back and give them citzenship rights in some country. It probably doesn't matter what you call it at this point but that's the minimum requirement for peace.

Once you get people to the point where they admit the truth, that all humans are created equal, and therefore Israel 's existence is a really bad idea, they can either agree with you, or short-circuit. Those who know Israel is wrong and do not strive against its existence are just like the all Gentiles whom the Jews routinely condemn for "doing nothing" about the Holocaust. Jewish Liberals should not serve as human shields using a battle of guilt trips to stop people from discussing how to limit Jewish power.

The Islamophobic hate campaign was not just created by Israel . It was created, coordinated and disseminated in the US by Jewish organizations. Every Jew in the Jewish community participates in some way with the Zionist agenda of racist indoctrination. They are fed a steady stream of anti-Islam and anti-Arab propaganda and are brainwashed to believe that Israel has a right to exist. If you are not with the genocidaires, then, why are you shielding them?

One may choose to opt out of Jewish organizational behavior; that does not erase the very real and scary fact that this destructive deliberate and well-funded organized violent crime and extortion racket is backed up by all the well-meaning Jewish footsoldie rs who are simply loyal to " Israel " or to the Jewish people without fully knowing what that means.

It is hard to see the big picture even once one notices the pattern. One of the reasons is because in polite society we are not allowed to discuss Jewish racism. Always, one of the little footsoldiers chimes in, wanting an exception to the group accusation to Jews. But this policing against anti-semitism, instead of responding in a moral and appropriate way, is exactly the Jewish behavior that the Jew has been programmed for by the B'nai B'rith Society. Rabbi Lerner, who has never been to the Occupied Territories , gets his "media updates" and talking points from the JCRC. The Liberal Zionists are trained and coordinated to cover for the Right Wing Jews. They don't even realize that their behavior is clinically abnormal and morally bankrupt.

In a recent article, former Israeli philosopher Gilad Atzmon writes:

"The Jewish state is the ultimate threat to humanity and our notion of humanism. Christianity, Islam and humanism came along with an attempt to amend Jewish tribal fundamentalism and to replace it with universal ethics. Enlightenment, liberalism and emancipation allowed Jews to redeem themselves from their ancient tribal supremacist traits. Since the mid 19th century, many Jews had been breaking out of their cultural and tribal chain. Tragically enough, Zionism managed to pull many Jews back in. Currently, Israel and Zionism are the only collective voice available for Jews.

The last twel ve days of merciless offensive against the Palestinian civilian population does not leave any room for doubt. Israel is the gravest danger to world peace. Clearly the nations made a tragic mistake in 1947 giving a volatile racially orientated identity an opportunity to set itself into a national state. However, the nations’ duty now is to peacefully dismantle that state before it is too late. We must do it before the Jewish state and its forceful lobbies around the world manage to pull us all into a global war in the ‘name’ of one banal populist ideology or another (democracy, war against terror, cultural clash and so on). We have to wake up now before our one and only planet is transformed into a bursting boil of hatred."

I think if a Jew wants to live in the Holy Land he or she should accept to live under majority rule: Hamas rule. A modern Islamic state, whose Constitution includes a Bill of Rights for non-Muslims, is really the only viable option for peace in Historic Palestine. Hamas has every right, under international law, to fight against the occupying power, including lobbing pipe bombs over the Apartheid Wall. Israel has no right to blockade any part of a civilian population, preventing them from getting to work, getting food, or medical aid. Israel has no right to build a wall.

I've been through this Jewish indignation thing during the Jenin Massacre and so it's harder to fool me now. Among the various threads of Zionist thought, from the condescending racism of Tikkun to the openly aggressive settler movement, there is nothing cool.

My goal is to stop the evil so it is necessary to observe the evil - not just walk away saying "How sad."

Levels of guilt:

  • those who commit atrocities
  • those who justify the atrocities
  • those who deny the atrocities
  • those who benefit from atrocities
  • those who participated in a society that allows atrocities

So let's reiterate the obvious.

Israel does NOT have any "right" to exist nor any right to defend itself.
The UN has the right to dismantle Israel .

When Israel says they want to eradicate "Hamas" they mean anyone who might have ever voted for Hamas.

Meaning: all Palestinians

The Palestinians DO have the right to shoot rockets at an occupier.

We are engaged in genocide when we neglect to use the word Palestine in our speech.

We DO need good strategy for eradicating Jewish tyranny.



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