An interesting and highly-spirited daily piece by David Rubinson. He makes
some right points: there is much hypocrisy in recent attacks on Myanmar; and the
majority of crimes in Iraq are done by the US soldiers, not by contractors who
are bad enough.
23, 2007
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---Ill-tempered, Iconoclastic, Impatient and
Ideologically- unpredictable views, comments, and sources about the World, how we
humans are messing it up, and how we can all DO SOMETHING about it.
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Scam alert !
Remember- the one hunnderd percent ga-run-tee of a
scam is when all the Press Prosties start pushing something at once. The best
defense against being scammed is information; here is a handy guide to some of
the latest and stinkiest and most upchuckable scams going right
Scamola 1
-- GORE: I told ya about Gore. The
Flummoxathon by Big Biz, the Democratic Bigtimers who
are gorging on their largesse, and the pimp media who work for
For more Gore:
Nobel Hypocrisy
by Steve Lendman
"...throughout his political life, Gore's actions
betrayed the public's trust and still do. He and his wife live in two large
energy-consuming homes: a 10,000 square foot, eight bedroom one in Nashville and
a 4000 square foot one in Arlington, VA. The Gores also own a third home in
Carthage, TN. In both Washington and Nashville, utility companies offer a wind
energy green alternative to customers for a small per kilowatt hour premium.
Gore can easily afford it, but public records show no evidence he's does it in
either residence. Alex Cockburn gets the last word on a man who shills for
privilege, has plenty for himself, and like George Bush disdains the public
interest: "Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism in
America today, and almost every unalluring feature of the Democratic Party"
that's mostly indistinguishable from the other side of the aisle in a city where
the criminal class is bipartisan."
We need to stop
the BS, and name the real perps, not lionize the liars.
Scamola 2 -- MYANMAR: How about them Burmese monks
? But wait- haven't we seen this one before ? Even the snazzy Orange (I'm just
wild about Saffron) outfits ? Let me jog your brain- Otpor in Serbia,
Kmara in Georgia, and of course The Orange guys in Ukraine. All of them share
some really amazing coincidences- - the profound and pervasive
participation of a roster of USA/CIA backed and financed interlopers,
"consultants" and NGOs -- who played significant roles in ALL of these "popular
uprisings." The list reads like a rogues gallery of the worst groups on the
globe: the U.S. State Department and
USAID along with the infamous National Endowment for
Democracy (previous clients include Noriega, Chomorro, Sumate
(Venezuela), for starters, and currently various groups in Iran.
Alumni feature some names you may recall -- like Carlucci, Holbrooke, Bill
Frist and Wesley Clark. Mama mia what a disgusting crop of
thugs) and all of its nefarious progeny, the National
Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican
Institute, the NGO Freedom House and George Soros's Open Society
Institute . I know parents who wash their kids' mouths out for mentioning
any of these filthy words.
Where was the USA
in 1988 ? in 1992 ? or when Suu Kyi was deposed and jailed ? Why - in it
up to their eyeballs of course. Doing what it does best- creating chaos
and civil disorder- so we can march in and make peace, making the world safe for
Chevron (Unocal) and Total, and much more difficult for those goddam
Scamola 3 -- DARFUR: Have you had enough of the "Save Darfur" dupes ?
Pleeeeze. There's one way to save Darfur, and its people- get the US and
China OUT of there, and not one peep about UN "peacekeepers. " Just like Burma,
and Iraq, and soooo many other places (see above) the US is supplying all
sides with guns and money. Earlier this year, I asked a CIA front man (giving a
heartbreaking Save Darfur slide show) how it was possible that people so
starving and desperate in the south of Sudan could afford all of them GUNS. No
food, no medicine, but plenty money for guns ? He said, I am not kidding,
that the guns came from Libya. It was all Khaddafi's fault. The answer to
"saving" Darfur, or the Congo, or the Planet for that matter- must begin by
totally dismantling the US War/Biz machine, and radically extricating the US and
other governments of the world from corporate dominance. Or- you can get your
junior high class together, and sell cookies, or have a car wash, and send the
pennies to the Save Darfur people, who are part of the problem not part of the
solution, and so are we.
Scamola 4 --
BLACKWATER: Jeremy Scahill is incredible. Blackwater is abominable. Dahr
Jamail and his expose of what really happened in Fallujah are amazing and
indispensable. But- the Usual Suspects are shifting the focus to
Blackwater, and away from the real villains- the US
We are being
brainwashed- that the abominations in Iraq are aberrative lunacy on the
part of a gang of out of control "contractors. " The real story is that the
US Invading Forces have committed and continue to commit, unrelenting and
increasing unspeakable horrors on the people of Iraq, and Afghanistan- - just as
they did in Vietnam. We continue to be so very eager to blame the bastards at
Blackwater, and not look at the deeper and infinitely more painful truth-
we are a nation of murderers, rapists, torturers and thieves--- and though this
goes back hundreds of years covering our entire history- the problem is only
getting much much worse. Its Blackwater- but Blackwater 'R
Scamolas to
include: -- Sub Prime Villains/Stock market/Dollar destruction/ Peak Oil/
Global Warming/FEMA and The Fire
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