A burly unattractive woman in her late fifties or sixties, dyed hair, pearl laces around wrinkled neck, tearfully relating a story of unwanted sexual attention that maybe occurred many years ago, presents a most embarrassing sight. Perhaps once Beverly Young Nelson was young and pretty, and could awake passion in a man’s loins, but that was long time ago. And still this awkward creature effectively had stopped the suspect, Roy Moore from Alabama, from winning an election.
If this old crow were to claim she loaned Moore a hundred dollars thirty years ago and demanded it back with accrued interest, she would be laughed out of court. Where was she until now, where is the proof, people would say. Why nobody asks this question now, when the political career of the man is at stake? How could it be that a few unsubstantiated claims can ruin a man?
Moreover, this person has a name and a face, if an ugly one, but in many cases, the accuser remains anonymous, hidden by a letter, while the accused has a name, and a face, and often he had a job until this accusation. Only the Inquisition had similar features, with anonymous sources and obscure charges. Now we have sexquisition.
Is it a purely American phenomenon? A payback for Salem, where a similar spasm of mass paranoia caused a small New England town to hang some twenty women accused of witchcraft?
In Salem, men hunted witches; just three hundred years passed, and now witches hunt men.
Alas, no, it is a world-wide epidemic. The US is the model for the whole of Pax Americana, where people imitate American music and movies, and now they imitate this trend. No man of any confession or age is safe from persecution.
In Israel, the smaller soul-mate of America, a Rabbi has been indicted for raping and sodomising a teenage girl seven years ago. A feminist policewoman was given the case. The Rabbi spent a month in jail and almost a year under house arrest, he lost his job, his name was besmirched forever. Eventually it became clear that the girl couldn’t even remember and repeat her own lies. The State Prosecutor’s Office has withdrawn the indictment filed against Rabbi David Harrison, and he has been set free. Will somebody return to him the year of his life lost, his good name, his work? Will his accuser and the insistent policewoman pay for it? No.
He was anyway a lucky one. The Israeli President Moshe Katsav had less luck. His first accuser, hidden behind letter A. turned out to be a liar, and her claims were dismissed. But as her story unfolded, many women joined in the royal hunt, and eventually Katsav was jailed. Now, the judges in Israel are predominantly women, and men are doomed.
Europe meekly follows the US. There, the accused is a Swiss-born Muslim scholar Oxford University Professor Tariq Ramadan, the man who worked to make Muslims in Europe feel European. A string of women came claiming he raped them or made unwanted sexual advances to them some years ago. He had to take a leave of absence from the University.
In short, no man, Christian, Jew or Muslim, is safe from such an accusation, provided he has a name, a position and some money in his bank account. For a mysterious reason, ordinary hard-living guys, taxi drivers, lift operators or assembly belt workers were never remembered by the likes of Beverly Young Nelson twenty years later. Is it plausible that the working class blokes never push their way or even squeeze a girl? That only rich and famous guys do it?
This assault on men coincides with the very successful campaign #MeToo in the social networks. Many women were forced to join: if you didn’t, perhaps nobody ever found you attractive enough to make a pass. And they did join en masse. Men, too, are receptive to mass hysteria, but women much more so. Social networks are the breeding grounds for such trends.
Is there some kernel of truth in those woeful tales? Up to a point. Perfectly ordinary action can be described in extreme sensationalist language. Instead of saying “he embraced and kissed me”, use “he forcibly introduced his tongue into my mouth while holding me tight”, and then “by his weight he kept me pinned to the bed”. Sex can be described – by a Puritan, by a man-hater, by a psycho, – in such a way that you will call for death sentence for the perpetrator.
The word “rape” has little of its original meaning remaining. My friend Julian Assange has been imprisoned for years, and his perfectly consensual sex with two of his groupies has been described as ‘rape’ for some technicalities (a broken condom, a semi-sleeping or not fully awake condition). In both cases it was buyer’s remorse, the women regretted what they did after a couple of days because he did not call back. A man-hating woman, the state attorney, a self-proclaimed lesbian, insisted on sending Julian to jail. In her view, jail is a good place for any man, even if the complaint is baseless. Even after making such a discriminating statement, she was not fired.
Sweden has had a lot of rape complaints recently. Some readers connected it with mass immigration from the Middle East. And indeed a normal man from the Middle East may misinterpret girl’s words and actions. No means no, say the feminists, but it wasn’t so understood by European men even in the 1950s. A girl had to insist on her ‘no’, otherwise it would be construed as normal feminine way to be coy. So many ordinary actions are called ‘rape’ nowadays in Sweden, that the word had been properly devalued.
Anything can be described in nauseating manner. Eating meat can be compared to cannibalism, flirt can be described as horrible rape. In the same time, actions that nauseate a normal person can be described as normal and even normative. Normal men are revolted by the description or presentation of same-sex relationships. Nowadays they are forced to accept it as normal while considering usual man-to-woman act as almost criminal.
Americans voted for Donald Trump hoping he would end the emasculating trend in their society. It still can be done by enforcing two simple rules that were taken for granted until the US Supreme Court removed them.
One, end with reminiscences. The Bible, this great source of common sense, tells us what rape is and how to deal with it. If the crime occurred in town, the woman should raise hell. She should cry and shout. If it did not help, or if the crime occurred out of town, she should go right away to police. Not twenty years later, not in a week time, not even in a couple of days, but right away. If she kept silent, it is her problem.
This attitude will solve the question whether the woman means ‘no’, when she says ‘no’. If she cries out for help, she definitely means that.
And there will be no sleeping mines ready to go off any moment.
Two, no anonymity for the accusers. If you accuse a man, be prepared to stand for it, do not hide behind the veil of anonymity.
This two simple rules will restore sanity and make rape the horrible crime it was and is.
As for harassment, this is most often an invention of man-haters. It should be out of criminal law and out of police business altogether. If a lady feels that somebody’s stares annoy her, she might sue the guy. Or call for a policeman if it is more than just stares. Policemen know how to deal with such guys.
Reminiscences of harassment have no value, even if true. If the woman did not act on the spot, forget it.
Otherwise, soon the US will have no normal men politicians left; only women and effeminate men. And then the disease will spread all over Europe, until the Old World and North America will be ready for its repopulation by virile Africans.
Russia remains a safe zone for males. Though many American trends come to Moscow, emasculation is not one of them. When, a few years ago, Russians banned same-sex propaganda for minors, they broke with emasculating trend. Actually, Russian women prefer things done Russian way, too. Men pay for dinners, keep doors open, help with putting a coat, in short, they keep doing what the American and European gentlemen did some fifty years ago.
Russia has had its #MeToo campaign a year ago (#янебоюсьсказать , I dare to tell, in Russian), and a lot of women recited or invented stories of their harassment. But it remained in the Facebook, for the law did not allow to complain years after the alleged crime occurred.
Moreover, the Russians consider sex between men and women as a normal thing. They have no horror of sex between a teacher and a student, or between a boss and his assistant. Reports on severe punishment American judges meted on female teacher having sex with teenage boys are met with bewilderment and disbelief. Out of fifty recent stories of this kind probably not even one of them would be punished in Russia. I wouldn’t understand, either, what is the harm for a 17 year old student to be seduced by his 23-year old teacher. The kid should be envied, if anything. This traditional attitude toward sex is the main reason for the current mass media attack on Russia, not the mythical “Russian hackers”.
It is very difficult to defend Weinstein, with his Holocaust obsession and his desire of taking revenge upon blondes. However, his case had opened the gates of Hell. Let us shut them up before the Yin and Yang, male-female balance of the universe collapse.
Why has the US been hit by this strange trouble? I would explain it as an undoing of the 1968 revolution, including the Sexual Revolution. For us, for children of 1960s, the living was easy, and sex was free and plentiful – in California, Crimea, Côte d’Azur. We had a lot of it, wonderful unprotected sex, often with strangers. That was Communism. Fear of free and available sex is the fear of Communism.
The rich guys and gals who came to power afterwards turned everything into money, and with that purpose on their minds they created scarcity, even scarcity of sex, a sex counter-revolution. Harassment complainants are the soldiers of the Sexual Counter-Revolution as they increase scarcity in order to monetize their charms. They will be the losers, poor things; hopefully they won’t ruin the world before they understand it.
Israel Shamir can be reached at adam@israelshamir.net
This article was first published at The Unz Review.