Israel Shamir

The Fighting Optimist

Archives: Articles

Trump Did Not Flinch!

Trump didn’t flinch. He chose the good-looking Amy Barrett to replace the departed witch in the Supreme Court. What a difference! A devout Catholic instead of an atheist Jew; a flourishing wife and mother of seven instead of a bossy harridan keen on same-sex marriages and abortions; summer instead of winter. He made this choice even as li[...]

Read in French: Trump n’a pas flanché

The New Year Gift

No US Presidency is complete without the White House South Lawn peace-making ceremony for Jews and Arabs. The first was Jimmy Carter raining goodwill upon Begin and Sadat; then it was Bill Clinton pushing Arafat and Rabin together; and now we have Donald Trump beaming proudly at Bibi and ABZ (Abdullah bin Zayed of UAE) as they sit before [...]

Navalny Poison

We do not yet know what has happened to Alexei Navalny; he is still in a medically induced coma in a German hospital. If it is poisoning, (and this is far from being certain) it is not clear yet what poison and under what circumstances he consumed it. Yet even so we are just as capable of speculating on what is “highly likely” as Mrs Ther[...]

Belarus on the Brink

It’s not over yet, but can Lukashenko survive the storm? Ever since the presidential elections of 8/9/2020, Belarus has experienced fitful waves of protests. The protesters claim the elections were rigged, just as the pussy-hat ladies accused Trump in 2016. The protests are presented to the world through the magnifying glass of the global fake news machine. There are dozens of media channels,[...]
Read in French: Guaido, président du Bélarus

The New Puritans

Paolo Roberto, 50, a native of Sweden (his father was an Italian), had made a name for himself: a well-known boxer, he had his own TV show, he appeared in many programmes; Swedish girls loved to dance with him in Dancing with the Stars; he also had a profitable business: he imported Italian olive oil and gastronomic products sold i[...]

Read in French: Les néopuritains

Belgrade Liberated!

The relentless advance of coronavirus terror has been broken. Recalcitrant Serbs rebelled against their President when he ordered them back under house arrest. After two days of street battles with dozens of policemen hospitalised, the sturdy protesters won; the authorities surrendered and gave up their plans to lock Belgrade down. Shops,[...]

Read in French: Belgrade libérée

Unmasking Freedom

Homo homini lupus est, said Plautus. Our new masters beat the old Roman comic dramatist at his game by establishing Homo homini toxic est as the new norm. They have trained us to be afraid of each other, to wear masks, to keep social distance, or even better, to stay home. They prefer it this way, with us locked away, ou[...]

Read in French: Bas les masques, et vive la liberté

Donald Trump vs. the Deep State Revolution

We made it! As a man after prolonged illness gets up on his feet, slowly and uncertainly, and makes his first steps, so mankind is rising from its sickbed. There are nurses, doctors, heirs and lawyers who want to keep the patient in bed forever so they will enjoy a free run, but he is rising, his own master, despite their frighteners. Now is exactly the middle of the year AD 2020. From Christ[...]

The Mask Revolution

Who could have guessed that the Floyd protest was the best Coronavirus vaccine? The same people that warned us that the virus is the deadliest plague and staying-at-home is the only escape, now commanded us to march amongst throngs, shoulder-to-shoulder against police! It appears they have the dreadful pandemic under their command, on tap[...]

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