Israel Shamir

The Fighting Optimist

Yuletide Trump

It is so dark now in the North. The Sun rises at 10 am to go down at 3 pm. White and plentiful snow and glorious stars outside and Christmas trees indoors make this darkness bearable – just. Here one understands why the people of the North had viewed Yuletide with great anxiety: they never were quite sure whether the Darkness would actually lift and pass away and the Day would gain this year, too. Last year it worked, but who can be sure that this year the Undead creatures won’t keep the Sun in eternal captivity?

Now we are in a similar quandary. Will the sun rise? Will Donald Trump gain the White House from the Undead Ones? Never before in our memory has the President-elect’s progress been so full of uncertainties and so pregnant by possible dangers. It appears that the losers still do not accept their defeat. Like the Germans in 1945, they look for a Wunderwaffe, a wonder weapon to turn the tables and win, no trick is too mean to try.

They will try to influence electors, they may try to prevent Congress from approving their choice, they may try their hand in public disturbances or a military coup. The Yuletide will be anything but peaceful and dull.

Their idea of recount did not work the desired miracle. In vain Ms Stein had turned her fine party into a tool in the hands of Soros et al. Trump is still ahead in the marginal states he won. No state had been shifted into Clinton’s camp.

After the failed recount, they turned on the Russian scare, to wit: the Russians influenced the elections, therefore the results are invalid, and the White House should go to Ms Clinton. Trump is a Russian agent, they say. (Accusing Trump of being Putin’s Man, is as effective as accusing Galileo of working for Satan, or accusing Solzhenitsyn of working for the CIA, said witty Prof Golstein). And the independent media, i.e. rather small internet sites that do not belong to the media lords, (that includes the venerable Unz Review), are Russian stooges and Putin’s agents. “If you are not with us, you’ve got to be a Russian spy”, or words to such effect. How do they think this small band of independent thinkers could sway the millions? By churning out “fake news”? Mainstream media easily outperformed by producing so many “fake news” stories that Putin could never compete. Just by virtue of Putin’s approval? Do they think a Russian agent gets a service magic wand to bend American minds?

Nothing wrong, mind you, with trying to influence elections. It is done all the time. My countrymen Israelis have their mighty AIPAC for such a purpose, and they are usually successful. (And yes, they read your emails). They succeeded in blocking the second terms of Jimmy Carter and George Bush, Sr. They said no man or woman could get elected to the Senate or Congress without paying obeisance to the AIPAC and receiving their blessing. If you object, or even notice their meddling, you would be called an antisemite and expunged from the polite society.

But the Russians could not do it to the US even if they would like (and I doubt they were of one mind about who’s better for them): this is a great overestimation of Russian abilities. Wonderful people, great stamina, beautiful women, good skiers, they excel in arts, yes, they regained quite recently their voice in the media (until two years ago, they could only repeat some Western cliché), fine, but they can’t possibly compete with the one and only world-embracing media syndicate.

It happened that a group of like-minded individuals controls all the mainstream media of the West. Nobody can compete with the NY Times, and the Washington Post and Reuters, Hollywood and the Guardian and Le Monde, and all this media has been united behind La Clinton. What is more important, these Masters of Discourse are fully integrated with an obscure world-embracing entity behind the visible power. This entity influences every election in the world, and it is used to winning. This time they lost, and they can’t still believe it and accept this defeat.

What is this obscure entity, and why is it so hostile to Donald Trump? I’ll tell you. In my young son’s class there was a bully. A silly, but big and strong boy who made the life of other kids, including my son, quite miserable. He enjoyed beating the weak ones, and there was not a nasty trick that he did not try. The bully had a sidekick, a minnow of a boy, who could not harm a baby. We paid little attention to him. It happened that the sidekick was transferred by his parents to another school, as they moved to a far away suburb. And to my great surprise, the big boy ceased to bully other kids. Moreover, he became a good friend of my son and of other classmates. It turned out that the sidekick was actually the evil spirit behind the big boy’s shenanigans. As he was gone, the big boy turned out to be a rather good fellow, real sport, and even his academic marks improved drastically.

The obscure entity integrated with the mass media is the evil spirit that gained possession of the fine strong body of America. And they meddled in, influenced, or subverted many elections in many countries from the days of The Quiet American. In 2014, they paid five billion dollars to organise the coup in Kiev and installed their puppets. They tried to subvert elections in Tehran and in many Latin American countries – and nowhere did they do it in the interests of the American people.

They did it to the Russians, too. When they succeeded in retaining Yeltsin the Drunkard in the Kremlin in 1996, the Time magazine was proud of it and published the cover with brazen “Yanks to the Rescue. The secret story of how four U.S. advisers used polls, focus groups, negative ads and all the other techniques of American campaigning to help Boris Yeltsin win” (You can read the fascinating storyof the US subverting young Russian democracy as it was told by two American expat writers of the ExileD magazine). But it was not the US – it was the evil spirit bend on world domination.

And now they are about to lose their control over America’s mind and body. A few days ago, in Cincinnati, Ohio, the President-Elect had vowed that the US will stop trying to overthrow world governments. No more regime changes, he said. This is a sea change.

That is why Trump has been attacked by the CIA, the most evil organisation in the known universe. Assassinations, revolutions, civil wars, bribery, drug industry are the CIA daily tasks. They are the weapon of choice in the hands of the Obscure Entity, their Nazgul. The CIA is anti-American: American soldiers fight in Afghanistan, while the CIA produces, buys and sells the bulk of Afghan opium trade.

The CIA spoils relations between Americans and people of the earth. The CIA gives lessons of torture to the darkest regimes. The CIA stood by at 9/11, and it pushed the US into new wars since then. The CIA organised and supplied the Middle East terrorists of the Islamic State and al Nusra. They are the guys that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and steamrolled the Iraq War.

If you doubt where do you stand regarding Trump, after the CIA attack on him there should be no doubt. Remember, JFK tried to undo the CIA, but alas, the CIA undid him. Trump is a chance to get rid of this Order of Assassins, or tame it, at least. Wise Trump refused even to listen to their indoctrination lessons, so called “briefings”.

I’ll tell you why he can do what Kennedy could not. The CIA attacked Trump in a way no American president (save JFK) had ever been attacked by his own security services. They claimed that the Russian hackers elected him, not the people of the USA. Anybody else, in the place of Donald Trump, would go into creeping mode and declare his undying hatred to Russia. But Trump selected, or preselected Rex Tillerson, the man who had received the Order of Friendship from Putin’s hands to be the Secretary of State. I’d say, Trump has the balls of best American steel. I did not know they still make such men. If somebody can purge the body of America of the possession by the legion of demons, this man with yellow hair is the one.

The choice of Tillerson is brilliantly good and encouraging after the dreadful rumours that Trump might choose Mitt Romney, or Rudy Giuliani, David Petraeus or John Bolton (hard to make the choice who is the worst one). Tillerson is a man of real economy, he is used to deal with real people and real problems, and it makes sense for Trump to nominate him.

Forget about Democrats and Republicans, this is a fake distinction. There are two parties, the Party of Real Economy (builders) and a Party of Virtual Economy (destroyers), or, if you prefer, people who love their countries and their working people – and agents of the Obscure Entity. Virtual Economy includes finances, military industry, and other no-gooders. Trump is a man of Real Economy who needs no war, but peace for rebuilding his country the USA to make it productive and good for its working people. So he chooses a good practical man of real economy to do his diplomacy.

His adversaries are not necessarily Democrats but the warmongers of the Party of the Virtual Economy, and they can be hard-core Republicans. Tillerson is too soft on Russians, said Foxnews: “We cannot allow the State Department to be led by a friend and ally of Vladimir Putin and continue the disastrous diplomacy of negotiation and appeasement that has handed Putin his greatest victories”. “Friend and ally” would be nice, but these are ravings of a right-wing warmonger that are identical to a tee to ravings of a left-wing warmonger, say, Dan Rather who warned of “a newly aggressive and assertive Russia [led by] Putin a former KGB officer” and therefore Trump Man of Peace has to be discarded.

The warmongers have good reason to be worried. Trump is about to rid America of its worst plagues: the “regime change” neocon guard and the CIA are just for starters. He declared war on the military industrial complex when he said: “The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.”

This is a wonderful news – not only for the Americans, but for the world. Four hundred billion dollars (yes, this is the price tag asked by the company for the unnecessary piece of hardware) poured out of empty Treasury into coffers of Lockheed-Martin would increase the US debt and come instead of much more useful investments. It would lead the world into a new armaments’ race: the Americans, the Russians and the Chinese would spend money on weapons instead of improving their people’s life.

And it would make the world war more probable: as Hillary’s sister-supporter and Bill’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said to Colin Powell, What’s the point of having this superb military that you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?

The Masters of Discourse, the voice of the Obscure Entity, sounded alarm. Fortune, the Bankster’s Voice said Trump Hate-Tweeted against Lockheed.

‘Hate’ is a dog-whistle word of the Masters. Their trained obedient and willing slaves know how to respond. If the Masters say that somebody is “angry” or “hates”, it is a sign for their people what to think.

If Israelis kill hundreds of Palestinian kids, the Masters will report in their media: Palestinians are angry and swear revenge. A few days ago, the Masters’ hatched Islamists bombed a church in Cairo, killing about thirty Christians. The Masters’ media obscured this terrorist act so it would not interfere with their campaign for the Islamists in Syria and with movement of Islamic migrants to Europe. So the chances are you did not even know of this attack. And in their meager reports, the Masters’ media would incorporate the dog-whistle word: hate or anger. The NY Times wrote of this mass murder, “angry churchgoers gathered outside and hurled insults”.

No, they did not use “mass murder” expression: it is usually preserved to a terrorist act against Jews, and then no anger, no hate is mentioned, just pure suffering. Alternatively, ‘mass murder’ can be applied for the Russian bombardment of the Islamists in Aleppo; they are “mass-murdered”, the Christians are just ‘slaughtered’.

I get annoyed by the word ‘hate’. It is such a mother-in-law-ish word: “Son, I know you hate me and want me dead!” “No, mama, but I want us to manage our lives ourselves.” So now we know that Trump hates not only women and Jews and the CIA, this monster hates even pure harmless and innocent Lockheed-Martin! It would be better if he kicked kittens, as they accused Julian Assange of doing. The more I hear about Trump’s hate, I am more certain that he is right.

Not only Trump “hate-twitted” Lockheed-Martin: he said he would not fork out billions of the US taxpayers’ money for a new Boeing for Air Force One. He got annoyed when he learned that a general Mark Welsh, yesterday’s Air Force chief of staff, joined Northrop Grumman after granting the company the multibillion dollar contract to build a next-generation stealth bomber. Trump will save your money – and will save us from war, if he makes it to the White House.

But he takes on board so many generals, people complain. Mind you: the US of Trump still will be the biggest and the strongest state in the world community, just without the evil spirit. This spirit still lingers in the mainstream media, where it keeps heaping lies upon lies and bids its time to return and possess again this big fine body with its trustful mind. However, the Trump’s US won’t be the bully we hated.

It will not become an angel, either: rather, a regular great power with its own interests, not more, neither less, as it was in the days of Theodore Roosevelt. This should be remembered when you are told that Trump hired so many generals to his cabinet. It won’t be the mean interfering spirit bent of the world domination, just a great state.

The world is too big to have one master and ruler. The desire for domination is the cause of the monstrous twenty-trillion-dollar debt of the United States; Donald Trump, a proverbial hard-nosed Yankee saw this drain on his country’s recourses, and decided to fix it before it will cause the States’ collapse.

Many years ago Trump gave an interview to Playboy. It makes fascinating and obligatory reading. He understood before everybody else that Gorbachev “will be overthrown, because he has shown extraordinary weakness”. This shows his clear-mindedness in the foreign policy.

He understood the danger of nuclear war: “I’ve always thought about the issue of nuclear war; it’s the ultimate, the ultimate catastrophe, the biggest problem this world has, and nobody’s focusing on the nuts and bolts of it. It’s a little like sickness. People don’t believe they’re going to get sick until they do. Nobody wants to talk about it. I believe the greatest of all stupidities is people’s believing it will never happen, because everybody knows how destructive it will be, so nobody uses weapons. What bullshit.” Twenty five years later, he came to save mankind from imminent nuclear war.

On the question “You categorically don’t want to be President?” he replied: “I don’t want to be President. I’m one hundred per cent sure. I’d change my mind only if I saw this country continue to go down the tubes.” Now he saw it and accepted the job. He will do it well as he does everything.

In order to save the country and its people from looming disaster, Trump wants to cut off the frills of the world domination. The US does not need so many bases, so many aircraft carrier groups. The Obscure Entity wants the US to dominate on its behalf, but the Americans do not need it. In NATO countries, European politicians began to recognise that their bonanza at the American taxpayer’s expense will soon be over. They enjoyed it while it lasted. Their defence budgets were used mainly for conferences, visits, missions and support of friendly politicians.

Until now, the US paid and paid through the nose, payrolling thousands of European politicians and generals. It was not done for the benefit of Europeans who were in no danger from any corner of the earth, it was not done for the benefit of the Americans, either. Now it will be over and out, and the new elites implanted in Europe by the US-nurtured Obscure Entity will find themselves without external support facing their own people.

They will not enjoy it. Consider an English Parliamentary Ben Bradshaw MP. Bradshaw is a typical new elite: a Blairite, an instigator of the Iraq war, ex-Secretary for Culture, ex-BBC, same-sex-married to a BBC producer, he charged his mortgage to be paid by British taxpayer. He is loved by metropolitan gays (“100% support”), but the party working voters are not so keen on him. He hates the new elected Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who came to power when the British working guys decided to regain their party from the manicured hands of the cultured gay warmongers.

Bradshaw participated in a failed coup of party functionaries against Corbyn despite the popular vote. Corbyn is an enemy of military industrial complex, Bradshaw is fond of wars. He is strongly against Brexit: he wants Britain Bremain under the rule of Brussels, the second capital of the Obscure Entity.

Taking a ride on the CIA attack on Trump, he already proclaimed that it is “highly probable that Vladimir Putin’s Russia interfered in the UK’s Brexit referendum”. His American CIA-connected counterparts would like to give the White House to Clinton despite the will of the American people. Bradshaw wants to ditch the Brexit referendum results, for it was Putin’s work.

This is the profile of the Obscure Entity’s left wing. They do not believe in democracy if it does not deliver what they want. They despise working men and care more for their refined homosexual arty milieu. They love wars; the war against Iraq was nice; and the war against Libya was jolly; they would like more war in Syria, as those wars provide them with fresh young bodies of Middle Eastern boys. A slice of pizza, anyone? They hate Putin for he having stopped the disintegration of Russia – and now of Syria. They see another way of getting rid of the debt: instead of cutting profits of military industry, to nuke Russia, if the threat of war wouldn’t suffice.

The Left had a better past. In the same Playboy interview, Trump said he does not want to become President, but if he would, he’d run for in the Democratic party. “I’d do better as a Democrat than as a Republican–and that’s not because I’d be more liberal, because I’m conservative. But the working guy would elect me. He likes me.”

Twenty-five years ago the working guys voted for the Democrats, but now they voted for Trump, who ran as a Republican – because the Democratic Party became the preferred Party for the Masters of Discourse, obsessed with unisex toilets and gay rights, not with working men. But the Republicans have their own beasts, the “Anybody but Trump” warmongers.

Amazingly, there is a new coalition of “the tree-hugging, NPR-listening granola eaters getting in bed with McCain’s war mongering neocons — all united in their anger at Russia and Russia’s man in Washington” (in words of witty Golstein) and, we’d add, in love to Lockheed Martin, Goldman Sachs and the CIA. It should be encountered by the coalition for peace and reconstruction from both parties.

The nationalist Left formerly activated, and dumped, by Sanders is too weak to deal with the Obscure Entity’s agents by its own, but it can support Trump. Tulsi Gabbard, the wonderful Democrat-against-Wars from Hawaii, can be the model. She is against sending arms to Syria Islamists, against regime changes. Let her, and many others, become the left-wing support of a new Trump coalition, to save the US and the world. A time for a new re-alliance is ripe. That is, if we want the sun to escape the Undead ones and rise again, after the Yuletide.

Israel Shamir can be reached at

This article was first published at The Unz Review.

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  1. Another brilliant article!But what about Mr.Trump’s rethorics on Iran.Your opinion is highly anticipated.

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